+49 (0) 451 / 30 40 718 info@akoriot.com

Software Support

Software services from the akorIoT team

If you are using one of the akorIoT development platforms, we have a range of firmware and software services available to you. As with a PLC the programmability, storage of the program in memory and the execution of the program are provided. Unlike a PLC the program code is not executed with an interpreter, programming is done in C with free-of-charge C compilers. The block diagram of the akorIoT SensPRO is disclosed as it is for a PLC.  The addresses of the sensors on the main board, I2C bus, UART, counter, AD converter and much more can be reached by the programmer with their own code.

The basic version of the SensPRO is capable of covering more than 20 applications. Some of the applications are also supported directly by the example firmware provided. The sensor data or GNSS data are read by the microcontroller and then transferred to the akorCLOUD. The akorCLOUD is available to the SensPRO customer free of charge for 3 months. The akorCLOUD is not only used to visualize the measurement data, but also manages the program code of the SensPRO in the field. With SensPROs the program code can be exchanged remotely. You have full control over your SensPRO anywhere in the world.

Programming is a key area of support. If your team doesn’t have any capacity available, a software developer from the akorIoT team takes over the firmware programming of your IoT module, plus any cloud-based applications, storage and client app including smartphones.

Please contact us to find out more about our software services.